What is the Best Thing to Do for Peripheral Neuropathy?

Rina Caprarella

March 22, 2023

Peripheral Neuropathy

Peripheral neuropathy is a chronic condition that can lead to problems with your hands or feet. It can occur suddenly or develop slowly over time.

Many different treatment options are available to help alleviate pain symptoms and manage the condition. Some natural remedies can also reduce the pain of peripheral neuropathy.

Take a Warm Bath

A warm bath can be an effective way to alleviate pain symptoms. It increases blood flow and decreases numbness in your hands and feet.

However, ensure your bath water isn’t too hot for you if your sensory nerves are affected by peripheral neuropathy making you less sensitive to temperature. Talk to your doctor about the best temperature for you.

Taking a warm bath can also be a great way to improve your respiratory health. According to Pentucket Medical, it may increase lung capacity and oxygen intake and help open up your sinuses and chest.

In addition to its physical benefits, a warm bath can improve your mood. A study found that people who took an hour-long warm bath responded more positively to stress than those who did not soak in hot water.


Exercise is a great way to fight pain, manage blood sugar and get more oxygen and nutrients to your legs and feet. It also helps reduce stress, which can lessen the intensity of your pain and make you feel more in control.

If you have neuropathy in your feet or lower legs, it’s essential to stick with exercises that put less pressure and weight on your legs and feet. This may mean avoiding high-impact movements like running or jumping rope.

Another benefit of walking and other low-impact exercises is that they can help improve your overall balance, strength, and coordination without putting too much strain on your feet or ankles. These exercises can also help you maintain muscle strength, reduce fatigue and promote better sleep.

Take Vitamins

Vitamins are nutrients that help the body function properly. They are made in the body from food products or can be supplemented with dietary supplements.

A deficiency in a vitamin can cause permanent nerve damage. The neurotropic vitamins B1, B6, and B12 are essential for the health of your nerves and help protect them from injury and illness.

Several studies have shown that taking vitamin B6 helps reduce the symptoms of diabetes and chemotherapy-related neuropathy. However, it is essential to note that people have reported severe adverse reactions to this vitamin.

Try Natural Remedies

Peripheral nerves send messages to the brain and spinal cord to control different parts of your body. They can be damaged by various conditions and cause a wide range of symptoms.

Your doctor may order tests to find out what’s causing the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy. These include electromyography and nerve conduction tests.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, your treatment will focus on managing the underlying condition causing your symptoms. You might have to change your medications or lower your dose to reduce the symptoms.

It’s also essential to eat a healthy diet and avoid smoking. These practices will help prevent further nerve damage.

Talk to Your Doctor

Your peripheral nervous system extends outside the brain and spinal cord to innervate limbs, muscles, organs, and other body parts. Physical injury, diseases, hereditary disorders, and exposure to certain toxins can harm these nerves.

The resulting symptoms can range from minor to severe, depending on the specific type of peripheral neuropathy and where it affects your body. Some of these include pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness in the arms, legs, or feet.

Other types of peripheral neuropathy can also affect the autonomic nervous system, which controls your internal temperature, bowel movements (constipation or diarrhea), and sexual arousal. Some of these changes can be subtle, such as sweating too much or not enough, irritability, emotional changes, and dizziness. Other symptoms can be more noticeable, such as changes in skin color or swelling.